Opening the Door Read online

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  When they left they both got big hugs goodbye, (Dave got kisses too). I went to Lowes’s before they closed and bought what they called a ‘Basic Tool Case w/tools’. It came packed in a cute little plastic carrier with a space for everything you need.

  I also got a drill with a set of bits, a dead bolt lock, two sets of coaster wheels plus thin wire cable and some connector rods. Not exactly your basic office supply equipment.

  After replacing the door knob lock on her office closet with the flat dead bolt one I got to work assembling the book cases. I also called to check on everybody to make sure they were all right and to tell them that I loved them. When you appreciate someone it needs to be stated both loud and often. Then I ordered Chinese of course. After all a girl has to keep up her strength.

  The ‘easy instructions’ included with these book cases are not always that easy to understand, especially when written in Chinese. You might think that since I had just eaten Chinese for dinner somehow it would be easier for me to understand it. You might think that, but you would be wrong.

  I finally finished modifying the one, and putting both book cases together. I finally finished doing as much as I could without being too frazzled around eleven. I will come by tomorrow morning to see what I may have missed. I will also call Beverly and ask her to come down to see what I have done so far. She will either be very pleased, stridently furious, or sadly disappointed. Maybe all of the above.

  While adding the finishing touches to all I had done Ann’s question kept going around in my brain. “Who is Beverly?” Someone was going to a lot of trouble to find out what was in her locked files. On the other hand I was going to a lot of trouble to hide them. I guess time will tell which of us is better at what we are doing.

  Of course I was stopped twice for DUI check points on the way home. Happy New Year to me.

  Chapter Five

  Around one in the afternoon on New Year’s Day I texted Beverly and asked if she could come by the office. I arrived early that morning and touched up everything I could while waiting for more furniture to arrive. The boys had put the desk I was using into what I presumed would be ‘my office’. Then it hit me. ‘Maybe this won’t be my office.’ If Beverly needed to hire another person I might have to sit out with the receptionist or in the utility/storage room.

  When I think depressing thoughts it is a sure sign I am stressed out and tired. I guess we shall just have to see what we shall see. Hopefully she will like what I have done.

  When Beverly pulled up I greeted her at the door saying “Welcome to Peninsula Accounting ma’am. How can we help you today?” Okay I admit it, I have always been a smart ass. She arched her eyebrows at me and began walking thru the offices inspecting what I have done so far. When she asked where “Her file cabinet” was, I knew which one she meant.

  “You tell me Beverly. Where is it?”

  She stared at me, deciding whether to be furious, amused, or something else.

  “Sarah, tell me you’re joking.”

  “You walked by it two times. Didn’t you see it?”

  She stared at me, her face showing no expression.

  “Show me.”

  We went into her office and I pointed to one of the book cases saying “It’s behind there.”

  She tentatively placed her hand on the book case and it didn’t budge. Okay, this has gone on long enough. The last thing I wanted to do was make her mad at me. I showed her where the wire cord was in back of the case and explained that if she pulled that and held it down, the locking bar I had installed on the wheels underneath would be released. The book case rolled silently and easily across the floor. So far so good. I handed her the keys to the dead bolt lock I had installed on the closet door. I explained that I had to get rid of the other lock because a door knob protrudes too far from the wall. After that I opened the closet door and showed her the file cabinet. She seemed pleased so I continued.

  “When people place heavy guards on things it draws folk’s eyes towards what should be hidden.” A dark ugly memory of the past crossed my mind just then. “It is the same thing as placing a padlock on the desk in your house. If they broke into your house they will break into your desk. The padlock tells them where something valuable is.”

  “What’s behind the other book case?”

  “Just a wall. One book case in the corner of a room might draw someone’s eye. Two of them, placed in the opposite corners, makes it look symmetrical. Also we picked out a wall hanging instead of a picture for your office because we felt that it would add a bit of texture to the area. Since it is hanging exactly between the book cases then it draws the eye away from either case.”

  The wall hanging showed a nice woven design of a sunrise similar to the ones in the American South West. Ann picked it out of course. Beverly looked pleased so I kept talking.

  I recommend a ‘side board’ type table to put under the hanging to make the room look like it was decorated solely for the artistry involved. Not as a place to hide things.

  “How much of this did your friends do?”

  “I could never have budged it by myself so the boys put the cabinet/safe in the closet. Everything else, including modifying the book case was done by me after they left. I didn’t think any of it would have concerned them.”

  “Very impressive Sarah. You have done far better than I had thought anyone could.” Yes, yes yes!!! I feel like a teacher’s pet who has just gotten public accolades. Even if it was only in private.

  “Beverly there is one other thing we need to think about.”

  She gave me a silent nod so I said “Whoever broke in was looking to find that particular file cabinet/safe. If someone believes it is here, and they don’t find it right away, then they will keep looking.”

  “Do you have another idea?”

  “I know they have to be expensive but it would help if you bought a second one of the same make, model and color. We could put it in the utility room with the other file cabinets. It would be up to you what we keep in it, but there has to be something. That way if, or when, this happens again they can find what they think we have and move on.”

  “What do you think they want to find”

  “None of my business. I don’t know and I don’t want to know.”

  “You’re smart Sarah. I have always said that about you.” Blushing now.

  “They are coming to install the computers and phone system tomorrow between ten and two. When is the furniture due to arrive?”

  “Sometime before four is the only commitment they would make. The workmen should be able to maneuver around each other if they overlap.”

  “Did the money I gave you cover everything?”

  “Yes.” I showed her the listings for everything spent. Along with the receipts of course.

  “How much did you pay your work crew?”

  “Nothing yet. I will not see any of them until tonight and plan to settle things then.”

  “What did you promise?”

  “Dinner and probably some drinks on me later.”

  Beverly smiled, reached into her purse and pulled out a check book. She wrote three checks for $300 each, and handed them to me saying I don’t know their full names so you will have to fill in the blanks but this should cover it.” Hesitating for a second. “You have good friends, you should be very thankful for them.”

  “I am Beverly, every day.”

  “Your check will be deposited in your account as usual. Use the rest of the money on the office however you see fit. I won’t need any receipts, it is already accounted for.”

  ‘Wtf…..No receipts?’

  “Why don’t you take some time off and enjoy the rest of the day with your friends. I have a few things to do here before I go home.”

  Obviously she wanted to do something by herself in the office. Probably one of those things I did not want to kn
ow about.

  * * *

  It was about time for everyone to wake up, so I sent a group text asking if dinner at Red Lobster on Mercury Blvd was all right with everybody, my treat of course. I also told them that I had a surprise. Ann knocked on my door about ten minutes after I sent the text and asked what the surprise was. I told her she would have to wait for dinner like the guys did. She pretended to pout for about three minutes then wanted to know what I was going to wear for dinner.

  Dave also texted and asked what the surprise was. (Doesn’t anyone know what the term ‘surprise’ means?) Rico just texted back to ask what time to meet us there. I love my big brother, sometimes he is common sense personified.

  Dinner was good and filling. Everybody had some amusing tales about working at their jobs last night. Ann enjoyed telling us about an older man who thought he was tipping her in 10’s dollar bills but was giving her 100’s instead.

  Maybe I should give the idea of changing my career field to stripping a little more thought.

  We were too full to eat dessert, so we ordered it “to go”. Along with some flakey cheddar biscuits. I handed each of them an envelope and said it was from Beverly for helping us during the move. I also said the meal was on Beverly. They were shocked to receive anything, much less the amount of their checks.

  Everybody was happy and stuffed with their food. Rico had a date so I didn’t invite him over to my home afterwards. Ann wanted to go back to her own place and relax. So that left me and Dave alone together.

  That’s when it hit me. The last time I had been here in this restaurant was with Jason. We ordered dessert “to go” then too. Talk about having a chill run down your spine. That night also was the last time I was able to reach out and touch the man I loved.

  Dave mentioned off handedly that he had a job out of town in Emporia. He would be gone for a few days but should be back for the weekend. De Jevu.

  Suddenly I was scared.

  “Instead of going there why don’t you stay here with me and we could stay in bed for three days?”

  “Because Beverly would want you in the office and you would want to go. Not to mention that we both have to earn a living.” His eyes crinkled around a smile. “Don’t worry there’s no girls on the crew. Even if there were I only want to be with you.”

  There was a slight hesitation then. “Sarah when I get back I want to discuss something with you.”

  This is just too freaky.

  “It’s about moving to Wilmington.” Slowly releasing a deep breath I didn’t even notice I was holding. “But it can wait until I get back.”

  “Okay, we can talk then.”

  Dave was scheduled to drive with a crew over to Emporia early the next morning so we said our good-byes at the restaurant. I went to Ann’s place and told her what was freaking me out. We drank some wine. I sat next to her on the couch with her arm around me until I fell asleep feeling scared.

  The next day I went into the office early with a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts in case I needed to bribe one of the work crews. You never can tell when you might need someone to go an extra mile and do something off the books. One box of mixed donuts is a small price to pay for that.

  Beverly was in a meeting somewhere else and wouldn’t be in her office until late afternoon, if at all. I had the particulars for the computer and phone guys. The first snafu was when the furniture arrived. I thought it would be assembled. I was mistaken.

  The delivery guys were not friendly. They put the boxes in the assigned rooms before they left but were miffed because I wouldn’t sign the invoice as soon as they got there but insisted on waiting until everything was done. When the crates were in the proper rooms I checked them against the inventory list and found we were missing one of the chairs for the conference room.

  This wasn’t going to fly for me and I questioned them about it. The team leader’s response was that if they found it later they would drop it by, but otherwise “take it or leave it”. He was a big man, both tall and wide. I didn’t like how he tried to step in closer and loom over me. Granted he was at least a head taller than I am so that wasn’t too hard for him to do.

  I thought about our schedule and how this would throw it all off. I also don’t like to be bullied, and never had. My choice was clear.

  “You know you’re right.” I could see the smirk starting to form on his mouth. “Since this is all on one invoice, with one tracking number, it would probably be better for you to take everything back. I will call ahead to let them know you are on the way. I hope they find the chair and no one has stolen or damaged it in any way.” He did not see this coming. “Start bringing out what you have brought in, and I want to say ‘Thank you’. I think it is a good idea you had about taking it all back until this is straightened out. I will make sure to tell your supervisor the same thing.”

  He stormed out. His two helpers looked quickly at each other, then followed him to the back of the truck. They had to move a lot of the remaining load aside but they found the missing chair. Guess they hadn’t wanted to dig it out of whatever dark corner it was stuck in. Too bad. Keeping a flat stare on my face, I signed the invoice ticket without a word and watched them drive off. But deep inside my heart I was laughing and singing out ‘Bad boys, bad boys. No donuts for you.’ Kind of like the theme song for cops.

  The computer geeks came by almost as soon as the other guys left and I offered them the donuts. They scarfed down about half the box as if they were starving Ethiopian refugees. The two of them quickly set up the new computers with printers and checked to ensure that the interface connection was perfect. ‘Good boys, good boys. More donuts for you.’ Damn that song is still in my head.

  They also took the time to explain all the features of Beverly’s set up to me. Including how she could tell what you were working on at any given time. She could also pull up the screens you had been looking at, what you printed out or downloaded and when. Now why would she need all of that?

  It was kind of fun flirting with the computer guys. We all need a little fun sometimes. I asked if they could leave me an instruction guide for her program but they said it was against policy. Evidently there was only one copy of the full instructions. It would be sent by registered mail to whoever ordered the program.

  I learned a lot of what I needed to know by watching them do a systems check. It’s funny what a pretty girl leaning against a man’s back, while looking over his shoulder, will do to a guy’s concentration. I didn’t press the issue, they were sweet and I didn’t want them to get in trouble with their boss. I only wanted the instruction book for my own information. There are always features included in any program that most people seldom use, but they are there for a reason. Things like that always have a way of coming in handy at odd times.

  We kidded around with each other while they packed up their stuff to head out for another job. I insisted they take the rest of the donuts with them. That made them happy. After they were gone I went back into what would presumably be my office. There was a Xeroxed copy of the instructions in the center of my desk, with a smiley face drawn on it with a red sharpie. Sometimes it does pay to be nice.

  I was getting ready to assemble the furniture when the phone guy showed up. Beverly had specified what make and model all of us were to have. These could also be used as intercoms so we could page someone in a different office. Cool. The installer was so efficient and experienced it took him less than an hour to finish and test all the connections. He gave me the instruction guide for how to do everything then left without any small talk.

  So far so good.

  Then came the pain in the ass part of my day. Assembling the furniture. I turned the small office radio up all the way and began listening to ‘The Coast’. After a frustrating three hours, accompanied by much cursing on my part, I heard a pounding on the door. I went to the lobby area and saw Ann peering inside looking worried. As soon as I
opened the door she rushed inside.

  “Sarah, are you alright?’

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Dave and I have been trying to reach you for hours. When you didn’t answer your phone we were worried. You need to call him back and tell him that you are all right before he starts to drive here from Emporia.”

  “Okay I will. Also lets order pizza and I will tell you how my day has been going.”

  There were quite a few missed calls from both of them on my cell phone. I called Dave right away and told him that the phone had been in the other room so I hadn’t heard it. That and the fact that I was zoned out listening to music while assembling furniture and practicing my nautical vocabulary.

  “What nautical vocabulary?”

  “Cursing like a sailor.”

  “That’s my girl.” We talked for a few more minutes agreeing to call each other tomorrow morning before work. Afterwards I caught myself wondering if I really was ‘His girl’. If so, then what did that mean? One thing I do know for certain is that I am way too sober for this kind of thinking late at night.

  The pizza came about half way through my telling Ann about the furniture delivery guys and the missing chair. Ann said it was her turn to pay for it. She had even ordered it the way I like, thin crust with extra cheese and sausage. Cool.

  When I finished telling her about the day’s events she got a strange expression on her face. I knew she wanted to ask me something, but wasn’t sure what it could be.

  “Sarah, what would you have done if they had taken everything back and put it on the truck?”

  “Figured out something else and hope Beverly didn’t get too upset with me.”

  “Why don’t you ever back down? You never seem to let things go. You always have to win at everything.”


  “Ann are you mad at me for something?”

  “At you? No. Sometimes I just get upset at life in general. You always face things head on and manage to come out on top. Meanwhile I am slowly drifting along and watching life pass me by.” Was she beginning to cry? What is going on here?